Now the most important part is to get the concept for a logo. It is almost the same process as selecting the name. First you have to determine what your logo should say about your company. There are many different ways to represent a company.
•You may come up with an image related to a business like a house for a real estate company, or a car for a car dealership
•You could use just an abstract image representing the company`s philosophy. For example some kind of blocky image would suit a stable trustful company or even just a pyramid. A very dynamic image with orbits and swooshes, sparks, particles could be used for a very modern, young, high-tech company to represent electrical activities or just cutting edge meteoritic technology.
One very important thing is that not all businesses can be easily associated with any kind of particular image. For example a programming company doesn't have many images to be associated with (except a computer), so in this situation it is recommended just to concentrate on an abstract image and just try to represent the feel of the company's business rather than attempting to come up with a symbolic image.
Some companies may be dealing with more then one business, so they would prefer to have a more generic image, but still you can make it look more technological by implementing straight lines in combination with curves, or make it more corporate with more proportional, symmetrical and/or geometrical shapes.
Some companies may bedealing with more then one business, so they would prefer to have a more generic image, but still you can make it look more technological by implementing straight lines in combination with curves, or make it more corporate with more proportional, symmetrical and/or geometrical shapes.
People can easy memorize a simple logo design that have some kind of symbolic meaning. Some companies use different mascots like the 'TireMen' of Michelin or the 'Beaver' for Roots. The challenge with the mascot is that for it to be a good logo, and easy reproducible it should be very stylized and simplified as much as possible.
Another major issue is that when people order a logo they want it to look like some other well branded companies like McDonalds or AOL. Those are of course great logos, but they are very recognizable only because they are well advertised. When you come up with an image for your company you should already be thinking about the best way to advertise your company towards the targeted audience. Your logo should not just not just be noticeable and memorable, but should also be easy accepted by the market.
What kind of feeling does a logo transmit just by standing alone and in a crowd? Too many sharp edges can create a feeling of danger or caution. Also consider your colors, so the logo design looks noticeable but not too intimidating.
A logo can be related to many different aspects of business, it just depends on the purpose of the company and the marketplace. A logo can be related to a particular place, industry, or person. Also, consider your personal preference of type of art. You can use any style of art style for a logo as long as it is unique, easily reproducible, and is suitable for your market.
Seems complicated? Perhaps an example would be appropriate to clarify it all. On this page, you can see a collection of diverse logo design images created for different companies, and observe the drastic differences in design between them.