Home> Design> How to Write SEO Optimized Content for Your Company's Website

How to Write SEO Optimized Content for Your Company's Website

March 10th, 2020

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Whether you’re launching a brand new website for your company or have already established your presence on the online scene, SEO optimization can only add to your marketing strategy’s efficiency. According to 99 Firms, 75% of users rarely scroll past the first page of SERP in their search engines, with SEO being able to drive conversion rates up by up to 14.6%, making it essential for companies to optimize their websites and content.

However, simply optimizing existing content per SEO standards won’t help your company gain significant traffic or generate new leads – your content production process should change from bottom-up instead. That being said, let’s dive into several steps that will allow you to write better, SEO optimized content for your company’s website to facilitate higher engagement and revenue generation rates in the future.

Write First, Optimize Later

The mistake most content creators make when it comes to SEO is that they create content by exploring SEO trends and search engine expectations beforehand. Instead, you should focus on writing original content that correlates with your brand’s niche, values and business portfolio prior to stepping into SEO optimization.

Content production methodologies such as topic clustering have proven their efficiency in modern users’ expectations when it comes to significant online content worth reading and sharing with social circles. Focus your efforts on content first and foremost – shape your writing for human readers rather than search engine algorithms and your success on the market will be that much better for it.

Standardize your Keyword Selection

Depending on the niche in which your company operates, different keywords and phrases will be popular with clients and customers in search of related products or services. For example, a graphic design company should focus its keyword selection on design-related phrases such as “graphic design services” or “professional logo design” and you those words and phrases in their content writing.

As a result, potential leads will have a far easier time finding your company online regardless of their location, thanks to a match between your keywords and their search phrases. Aim for a healthy balance of keywords within each page and post on your website without resorting to stuffing and spamming of similar words which will have a negative effect on your site’s performance.

Internal Link Building

Once you’ve started your content production cycle and have a solid number of pages present on your website, internal link building should find its way into your SEO optimization agenda. Link building, both external and internal, will allow your visitors to glean additional information and value from each page they visit on your site.

For example, a healthy balance of internal/external links in your blog post can consist of four internal and two external links (to trusted sites). This will not only paint a positive image of your company to the reader but also help your SEO ranking due to the variety of resources and links present within each page on your site.

Image source:https://www.pexels.com/photo/abstract-art-blur-bright-373543/

Alt-Text for Multimedia Content

Optimizing your written content for accessibility is another major SEO point worth considering in your marketing strategy. Your writing will inevitably feature images, videos and other multimedia content which will serve to add value to the text it accompanies. However, not every visitor will be physically able to process your content and enjoy it to its fullest, making accessibility optimization an important element to consider.

Make sure to pair your images with alt-text writing, add subtitles to your videos and write transcripts and descriptions of each multimedia piece of the content present on your website. This will significantly improve your SEO optimization both in technical and user-friendly terms, ensuring that your website’s design can be enjoyed and engaged by as many people as possible.

Scheduled Content Audit

Lastly, online content tends to become outdated without frequent checkups or an audit – this is especially true for SEO trends. To avoid poor search engine ranking in the future, make sure to check your old content, keywords, link functionality, multimedia and other elements on a scheduled basis.

You can also take this opportunity to change any keywords, links or other content elements which may have under-performed or have become outdated since you’ve first published them. If every link, keyword and piece of content functions as it did on the day of publishing, your search engine ranking will reflect the effort you’ve put into its SEO optimization.

Image source:https://www.pexels.com/photo/grey-apple-keyboard-and-grey-ipad-196650/

Worthwhile Tools to Consider

Now that we have a better idea of how you can write SEO optimized content for your website, it’s worth pointing out several tools and services available at your disposal. After all, creating content via a local text editor such as Open Office will only get you so far when it comes to readability, keyword density and text flow as a whole. That being said, checking out writing websites reviewsif you lack an in-house writer or content creator is highly recommended since it will effectively elevate your content’s quality and relevance to the target audience.

In addition, writing platforms such as Hemingway Editorand Grabmyessaycan be utilized for content production, while Google AdWordscan serve as your SEO keyword tools going forward. The combination of these platforms, in accordance with your company’s requirements and resources, will allow for better traffic generation, lead nurturing and revenue generation across the board.


While SEO optimization continues to play a pivotal role in any company’s online visibility, it is the quality of content you provide to potential leads that will make or break your marketing strategy. Focus on writing posts on relevant industry topics and offer unique insight into your niche to the global audience in order to build interest around your brand. Once you back original writing with proper SEO optimization post-production, the web will become your company’s oyster and allow your brand reputation to grow organically as a result.

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