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LogoGarden: Crime DOES pay

December 20th, 2011

“Crime doesn’t pay”? LogoGarden proves an old saying wrong by obtaining 2 million dollars worth in financing, even after having been rightfully accused of design theft all over the internet.

Lately, LogoGarden and its unorthodox “design” tactics have been all over the internet, including our blog. You may remember our article on this infamous company  in which we discuss its habit of lifting logos from other logo designers and offering them to their clients for cheap.

This is an update to that twisted real life tale, and the happy ending every honest logo designer strives for is still all too far away. The villains have not been vanquished, they prosper more than ever. Instead of bringing them to justice, all the attention the internet community has paid to their thieving ways has not only bumped them to the first page of the Google search for “logo design”, but… also granted them 2M dollars as well? Is there even such a thing as justice in this world?

Indeed, as evidenced by this article: http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/logogarden-closes-2-million-financing-201800835.html, LogoGarden has recently received 2 million dollars worth in financing from FCA Venture Partners “to [take] growth to a new level.” Now, that’s all fine and dandy, but I can’t help but question the reasoning behind FCA’s investment. Notably, why in a name would you give 2 million dollars to a group of thieves who have in the past attempted to sell the WWF panda of all things to unsuspecting customers?!

Has FCA Venture Partners even taken a look at the internet lately, before investing such massive amounts in LogoGarden? After all, the name of the enterprise is irrevocably associated with the word “theft”. A simple Google search reveals that LogoGarden’s selection consists primarily of hundreds of stolen and ever-so-slightly modified logos, including some from famous designers – as I mentioned previously, complaints against their thievery are all over the internet! Surely that ought to have alerted FCA, right? Truly, I don’t have an explanation for this. What an enormous blunder!

And so, after having stolen countless logos from innocent hard-working designers, LogoGarden was rewarded with 2 million dollars and lived happily ever after. The end. As member of LogoBee, a logo design company which actually CREATES logos rather than stealing them, and has had at least six logos swiped by LogoGarden, I am depressed, revulsed and offended to learn that a 2M dollars financing has been offered to a bunch of thieves.

Keep this article away from young kids, for the moral of this tale is not child-friendly: LogoGarden has proven that there is no such thing as bad publicity, and that crime DOES pay.

UPDATE: as of lately, it seems that at least LogoGarden has been removed from the first page of Google’s “logo design” results. Good riddance!


About the Author:

Daniil Stoenko is a professional writer and translator who produced a variety of articles for LogoBee’s Logo Design Blog over the years.

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