Home> 8 Steps How To Write The Perfect Logo Design Brief

8 Steps How To Write The Perfect Logo Design Brief

September 16th, 2019


You decided that your brand new business needs a brand new logo. The only problem is that you are not a designer and want a professional to do the job for you. The easiest solution is to create a logo design brief that will help you find the best designer for the job. Here are ten steps hot to write the perfect logo design brief.

1. Understand What a Logo Design Brief Is

The first thing you should do is understand what a logo design brief is. To put it simply, it's your means to find an experienced graphic designer who will create the best logo design for your company. Check out Top 10 Logo Design Tips to get some tips before getting into work.

The reason why this stage is so important is that you need to have the corresponding mindset going in. If you know what to expect, you will be able to do a better job while writing your logo design brief. You should understand the importance of this document you are about to create.

2. Provide Background about Your Company

This is the number one priority when writing a logo design brief as it will determine how well you convey what you want from the graphic designer. There are several things you should include but the main ones are:

  • Basics: Company name, goals, mission statement, values, slogan, bio, etc.

  • Product: Products or services you offer including how they are created.

  • Target: Target audience and target market as well as any important details about them.

  • Competitors: Who your competitors are and short descriptions of them.

The more specific you are about all of these details, the better. You want your designer to get the whole picture just by reading your brief.

3. Select Your Logo Design Concept or Idea

Now, focus on what your logo design is about. Read the article on Selecting the Concept for Logo Design so that you have a starting point and know where you are heading. Knowing what your concept is or what the idea behind your logo is must be one of your most important priorities as it will assist you in getting the right logo.

You want your logo design to reflect what your company stands for. At the same time, there should be something deeper, some kind of statement that you want your audience to know once they see your logo. Think this through and inform your designer about it by adding it to the brief.

Crafting a great logo design is essential for any entrepreneur looking to make their company stand out, especially if you are searching for opportunities in the online job market

 4. Determine Your Style and Color Palette

These are the more technical parts that are still just as fundamental. The style you choose will both reflect and determine what your company is about. The most popular styles are vintage, flat, and minimal, but you can ask your designer about other styles and their opinion about which one will suit your company best.

At the same time, you have to settle for a certain set of colors or a color palette. This is often influenced by the industry you operate in as well as the current image of your company or the colors you use in your products.

5. Decide On Your Typeface and Logotype

The experts from Studicus, a writing service, claim that "Choosing the font for your logo is like choosing a dress for your daughter. Imagine that you are dressing up your company name to look even prettier than it already is."

In fact, deciding on your typeface and logotype is essential for your logo to represent what your company stands for. It's not just about making it look pretty but also highlighting the unique qualities of your organization. If it is strict and stern, choose a font that is serious. If it is playful and carefree, choose a font that is fun.

6. Set Appropriate Timeframes and Deadlines

You are at the ending sections of your logo design brief and it's time to sum up everything nicely. This section should deal with the timeframes and deadlines for your project. You want to make them appropriate both for you and for your designer so that there are no inconveniences.

Make sure that you are clear about your intentions here so that there are no misunderstandings. If the designer you send your brief to doesn't have time and you need your logo to be created urgently, they will kindly decline and you will have to move on to your other options.

7. Describe Your Budget and Expenses

In the last section, focus on your budget and expenses. Describe them in great detail. Both entrepreneurs and designers usually don't like getting to this part, but it is always necessary and you can't skip it just like that.

It is crucial for you not to miscalculate your budget. If you know that there may be some unexpected additional expenses, try to include that too. You don't want there to be miscommunication between you and your designer.

At the same time, don't send out a logo design brief without a set amount you are willing to pay for the work of a professional. It not only looks amateur but may also upset you when the designer proposes their own cost and it turns out much higher than what you had originally expected.

8. Choose Who Will Be Doing Your Logo Design

After your logo design brief is ready, you can start sending it out. However, you must first decide whether you want a freelance designer to do the job or a design agency to handle it. There are advantages and disadvantages for both of them, but if you decide on an agency, check out Which Custom Logo Design Company to Choose? to get an idea of how to make a better choice.

Final Thoughts

All in all, crafting a great logo design brief is easy as long as you follow these simple steps. Just make sure that you don't skip anything so you can make the most out of your logo design brief and succeed in this job.

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